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H1804 – In the footsteps of Jesus

Film informatie

Uitleennr : H1804
Duur : 60 min.
Taal : Nederlands Engels Spaans Portugees Italiaans Frans Duits Indonesisch Arabisch Pools Hongaars Czech Fins
Ondertitels : GEEN
Categorie : Documentaires
Subcategorie :



his thrilling one-hour film chronicles the Footsteps of Jesus. Join the magnificent Journey of Mars and Joseph to Bethlehem. Visit the Church of the Nativity to relive the birth of Jesus, 2000 years ago - and walk the street of Nazareth where He grew up. See the Jordan River where he was Baptited. The Church of the Beatitudes where He gave the Sermon on the Mount... and the site of the miracle of the Loves and Fishes. Then climb the slopes of Mt. Tabor - the Mountain of Transfiguration - where Jesus revealed Himself in the fullness of His glory, Join Christs entry to Jerusalem. See where He chased out the moneychangers from the sacred Temple. Visit the Mount of Olive. feel the emotion of the Room of the Last Supper. Follow His agonizing walk through the streets of Jerusalem on His way to crucifixion and death on the cross. Walk with Mary Magdalene as she realizes that His tomb is empty and that Christ has risen. Hear His last words: Behold 1 am with you, even to the end of the World as they echo to us down through the miliennia.